I read a journal entry from one of the first days I had come home from Provo. Needless to say I did not appreciate being pulled away from P-town back to a podunk little town full of hill-billies. I couldn't understand why I was being pulled back here, to a place where culture curls up and dies. I didn't want to get to know the people who spent their time here, pathetic that anyone would spend their time here. I couldn't stand even being in the same room with some of the people. I deemed them uninteresting and probably unable to hold intelligent conversation.
I am ashamed to admit that these actually were the thoughts passing through my brain. My journal attests to it. How selfish and closed minded I had been. I needed to come back to Kingman so I could be cleansed of my proud and haughty attitude. It happened gradually. People I knew and enjoyed being around came back from college and I dropped my hostile attitude. I began to get to know the ones who were already here and found my judgments completely off base. I found my heart opening and shedding the layers of bitterness, and I learned more about my self in three weeks then I ever have my entire life.
I owe a lot of my growth to my extremely amazing friends and their loving examples to me. Their eagerness to meet and like everyone.
I owe a lot of my growth to the job I finally found after three weeks of searching. Selling Cutco has made me into a better person then ever before. I can now connect with people I've never met, I have learned a very important rule (never judge a person based on their appearances, for often, those who look like they can't are your best customers), I have learned what I am willing and unwilling to do, and I have learned many principles that apply to much, much more than selling kitchenware. As odd as this sounds, this job finally opened my eyes so I could see the life long dream I've always had.
I am incredibly grateful to the Lord for his wisdom in sending me back to my hometown to learn lessons that are not taught in college lectures. Humility being the first, and the greatest lesson I have learned and continue to learn this summer.