Nov 27, 2010


I have come to love the only two songs of Bruno Mars that I know.
Click here -->"Grenade"
I don't know how but Bruno sees into my soul and speaks to my heart, but he does in a powerful way. Now all I'm waiting for is a song with the title
"I'm Sorry I Couldn't Love You Enough"
There is one thing I love more than any other thing on this earth. The Gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Should anyone try to come between me and that gospel, no matter how much I love them, that title to a song that does not exist yet will be what I tell them. I can't change people, only the spirit and themselves can do that. I can't force his eyes to see the perfect beauty and happiness and hope that spill from every ordinance, lesson, and talk to which I am witness. I can't feel for her the power of the love that sweeps over me when I communicate with my Savior and Father. I can't give him the surety I feel when I look toward the future in faith, knowing without a doubt, that I will be taken care of when I trust in my Lord. I can't explain to her the moment I discovered the truth of this gospel.
But I can share my testimony and encourage him to discover the truth for himself. I can never give up in encouragement and love, even if they think I can't love them enough. I do love them, I want to share with them the profound joy that I feel. I just can't let them come between me and the gospel.
Please help me remember this. Because there may be times when I forget.

1 comment:

  1. Teegs, you're great, keep holding on strong.
    Also...I feel like Bruno Mars would only have to make eye contact with me to win my heart after hearing these two songs, because I feel like he would be such a sincere love. That's all.
