Nov 14, 2011


Why is is that Heavenly Father deals you a staggering blow and before you can even barely deal with it he deals you one that keels you over, flat on your back with no breath in your body?
With great knowledge comes great responsibility. Great strength is only won through great trial. Those who lie down under the force of the wind never know it's true strength.
I am not sure I am as strong as He seems to think I am. I am not sure how to deal with this next crushing blow.
But, even as I say that, I know that He wouldn't have let this trial come my way if I couldn't handle it. And I know that He will not desert me as I do. So I will weather these trials the best I can, I only hope I am not too tempest tossed on the other side.

(I found this talk and thought it worth a perusal, especially if you are having a hard time. The Power of Scripture)

1 comment:

  1. hey Tegan, your right he gives us what He knows we can handle and never leaves us during our hardest times. I hope things start going better ;)
