May 4, 2016

Back Again

Yes, I know it's been over a year... Sorry about that. I just didn't feel that I needed it. Either that or I was too lazy. You can choose. :)

So, I will be doing a 10 detox starting Monday May 9th. I was going to go through this processes roughly two years ago with my mother and brother but didn't have the will power to do so. Now I do. This will be my detox journal because it will help motivate me to do what needs to be done.
The first thing to start with is answering the questions from the detox book.
1. Why am I doing this detox? What is my dream for my body and my life that this detox will make possible?
I am doing this detox to purge my body of the junk I've eaten over the years, to help me become more healthy and to stop fighting my body. I have had gas for a large portion of my life, once so painful I thought there was something seriously wrong with me and visited a few doctors only to find out it was gas. How embarrasing... So, I want to reset my body's health and find out what is adversely affecting me. I want more energy and strength and this detox will help my body re-calibrate and get onto a healthy and stronger track. And lastly, I want to get a healthy body so that I can be healthy and strong and provide the nutrients a baby may need. I'm not pregnant, but I would like to be soon.
2. What are 3 specific goals I have for these days?
Wake early, prep meals in the evenings, gain control over my desires to eat.
3. What are the top 3 things holding me back from losing weight?
My love of taste and consuming way too much when I find one I like. My aversion to exercise even though I know I feel better and even enjoy exercising. My lack of control over eating even when I'm not hungry because I am 1) bored, 2) reading, 3) watching Eliot/anyone eating... period.
4. What beliefs do I have that might hold me back?
I don't have time to prepare these meals.
5. What is my relationship with food and how would I like to nourish myself?
I love food, I want to eat it all the time, I love the way it tastes, I am addicted to the taste of food. I would like to nourish myself when I am hungry with good foods that won't upset my body, and I would like to eat controlled portions and not feel like I am missing out by not eating.
6. How does being overweight or sick diminish or detract from my happiness and my ability to fulfill my life's purpose?
I don't have a lot of energy when I don't eat properly and I get pains in my stomach, almost every day. It is distracting and depressing, I don't want to get out and interact with others and I don't feel happy. Poor Eliot is such a sport, but I want to treat my body better so that I can become an enegry filled being who isn't limited by poor choices.
7. How do I see my life changing by learning to properly nourish myself?
I see more laughter and energy, more service and joy. I see Eliot and me not being held back from adventures by my limitations. I see less worry about the pains I feel.
8. What positive experiences have I had in the past from eating well and nourishing properly.
My mother almost always had a healthy meal set on the table and I was full of energy and life in my childhood. I only started feeling the pains in high school when I took more food choices into my own hands. I remember having energy and feeling positive no matter what circumstances shaped me. I want to get back to that person I knew.

Ok, now to measurements. I am not starting until Monday, but I will start today by choosing my eating practices with more care. Stopping when I feel full and eating only when I feel it is necessary. And eating less junk and processed foods.
Weight: 155.4
Height: 5'8 1/2"
Waist: 37"
 Hips: 37 1/2"
Thigh Circumference: Left & Right - 27"

Exercise for day - 15 min yoga for beginners.

Feelings: I felt some minor abdominal pain today at varying times throughout the day. I over ate on snack foods and didn't eat a very healthy lunch. Mood was oppresive during the morning but I remembered that I have a choice on my mood and chose to be less somber through the rest of the day.

I will be prepping my mind and my pantry for the next few days but I will continue posting my measurements and how I am feeling.

Here we go! Wish me luck and strength.

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