Apr 2, 2010

I'll Walk With You

"If you don't walk like most people do, some people walk away from you, but I won't, I won't."
This song applies to everyone. If you are not cheerful when you walk, or you don't walk with swagger, or you sing while you walk, or you hum, or... the list goes on.
"If you don't talk like most people do, some people talk and laugh at you, but I won't, I won't."
Perhaps you have a head bursting with ideas, perhaps your self esteem is low so you brag about yourself, perhaps you have a lisp, perhaps you talk to random strangers, perhaps you are always happy when you talk, perhaps you just don't know how to connect with someone else, perhaps you are really blunt, perhaps...
"I'll walk with you I'll talk with you, that's how I'll show my love for you."
Truly, listening and walking with others is showing love and support.
"Jesus walked away from none, he gave his love to everyone so I will, I will. Jesus blessed all he could see then turned and said, come follow me. So I will, I will."
"I'll walk with you, I'll talk with you, that's how I'll show my love for you."
I can't say I'll succeed. But I will try. I want to show my love for you.
(song: Serenade - Schubert. I can't decide which I like better, let me know what you think.)

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