Dec 30, 2010

Ffffffff facebook

I have deactivated my Facebook account. For a multitude of reasons but what pushed me over the edge (after discussing it at length with certain people.) is the new profile. I felt uncomfortable that Facebook was pushing me to tell more about myself and make the intimate details of my life common knowledge. It broad casted my hometown and my work. And when I went to deactivate it showed pictures of me with other people and said "these people will miss you."
What a pushy guilt tripping.... So I have deactivated my account and now intend to walk away from it all. I hate being pushed.


  1. Did that a month ago. Best decision I've made.

  2. I NOTICED! It was kind of a very sad shock when I went searching for your profile TODAY and couldn't find it. I love and miss you so much, Tegan!!!! You are adorable!

  3. ...and I admire your dedication to deleting your facebook. Sigh.
