Mar 7, 2010

Flip, I love dreams

Last night I had a dream that I signed a contract with a head vampire (like head honcho, not like a vampire with only a head) that I would come and live with him forever. ("for all eternity, idiot." - the Mummy) I tried to get out of it by showing him I was a werewolf already, that didn't work and he seemed hurt that I didn't want to come with him. I did end up going with him.
I was a vampire werewolf and the most dangerous monster on the face of the planet. Go me. Flip, I love dreams!!!!!
Then Katherine and Jill came to visit me and I had to fend off four vampires and I totally kicked their trash. Eat that!
Man, I have the best dreams ever!
Side note: Curse you Stephanie Meyer! But you do give me great inspiration for dreams.